2019 - present
Development of a learning program using smartphones to support the information search activities of elderly people. “Design of a Learning Program to Promote Self-Regulated Learning among Elderly People” study was awarded the 2018 Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research ©.
2018 - present
In a collaborative study with Dentsu Inc., an interactive learning program was developed to assist life thinking across a 100-year lifespan. Later, the management of the workshop was transferred to Life Thinking Studio Corp. from July 2019.
2017 - present
In the Mogusa apartment complex in Hino city, where there are increasingly many elderly people, a project was conducted to learn and hear about local history, which was dramatized by students. Opportunities are being formed for interaction between the region and the university.
Developed the “What to Do in the First Experience of Heavy Rain” Meteorological Agency Workshop as a “subcontracted planning and implementation project for a PR communication event related to the publication and education about emergency warnings.” Also held the “Weather disaster prevention workshop for disaster prevention managers in local public bodies” in 2018.